Jumaat, 27 April 2012


There are 5 group in my classmate, to do the demonstrate of CPU
New GirL


comming soon ...sl alom tau group name drg,,,ehee

pun sama coming soon jua,,,sory yeee,,,

Isnin, 23 April 2012

ReaL Like Working Technology

This is my video that i had create. The main video that i create is about camera. I had include the history of camera and the function of camera. Before you enjoy watching my video, i would like to say "THANK YOU SO MUCH" for my classmate that had helping me.


Find the First Technology for I & II World War

Technology for I & II World War

World War 1 came first. Technology was relatively primitive, with most of the war being done in trenches. Early air-planes were used. Poisonous gas was deployed for the first time. 


Poisonous Gas

In World War 2, tanks were used as the main deployment in many areas. Planes had improved, and bombers and fighters were heavily used. Submarines were also more heavily used. Encryption codes for secret also became more complex.

Air-Planes with Bombers


What would happen to the world if there's NO Technology

As we grow more and more dependent on technology we lose the ability to survive without it. What will happen if we can no longer produce the materials and power required to run our techno-society. This could result from a devastating global war or simply over time as we exhaust our resources and expand our population.

Could any of you survive a nomadic existence? Could you fend for yourselves? Could you fight for your family's survival?

If there was no technology in the world,  there wasn't any music, T.V, internet etc.....People would be closer to their families, young kids wouldn't turn to drugs and girl's wouldn't be having intimate relationship at such a early age. A lot of how we are would be different, because our conditioning would be different. People that listen to classical music have been shown to be more intelligent then kid's whom listened to heavy music or rock n roll.

Last but not least, if our live are not depend on technology, we might become as "Flintstones life" where you can see this video.


So with technology, it can:
  • Improved scores on standardized
  • Increased application and production of knowledge for the real world
  • Increase ability for students to manage learning
  • Increase ability to promote achievement for special needs student
  • Improved access to information that increase knowledge, inquiry and depth of investigation. 


  • The technology available today has made a wealth of knowledge available to students, which offers great potential for the speed and style of learning. Information is presented in so many ways that any type learner, whether gifted or disabled, can find and use the necessary material. This fact relates not only to the Internet, but to all the many technological improvements in learning, from smart boards to handheld dictionaries.

Loss of Skills 

With this increased access to knowledge also comes a probable loss of communication skills and interactive abilities between students and teacher, and students to peers. These skills are not as necessary in a classroom of computers, where individuality is a component of learning and is encouraged. Aside from learning, conflict resolution and socialization used to be two prominent reasons children came to school. The emphasis now has shifted away from these areas.

Access to All 

Education is no longer the elitist privilege it once was. The information on the Internet is there for all who have access, without discrimination. People of all social strata are able to use technological advances, which is a fairly new academic development in America.

Poor Remain Poor 

While general access is not denied, some children may not be exposed to computers and other technology because of socio-economic status. A child may live in a home without a computer, and chances are he will attend a poor school district with limited numbers of computers available. A student may get to use a computer for a short time, or only as a once-a-week activity instead of a regular class period. This puts these children at a disadvantage in learning technological functions. Poor districts are also most likely not to be the recipients of other technological modes of learning


Classwork Season 2

Troubleshooting the Central Processing Unit

Figure 1 (Central Processing Unit)
This is how the CPU (can refer to figure 1) looks like. The first thing need to troubleshoot the CPU is we need to observe how does the inside of the CPU looks like. So that, we can know  and remember which one need to take out first.

This is the tool that we had taken out.

Classwork Season 1

The Picture of Personal Computer Tools

The Picture of Personal Computer Tools

PC Tools (Figure 1)

This the tools (refer to figure 1) for troubleshooting the computer. This tool consist of  20 items of tools. There are:

8" Wire Cutter

The function of this tools are:
  • It able to loos and tighten Hex nuts.


5" Needle Nose Pliers
The function of this tools are:
  • It able to cutting thin wires or to trip small object.

The function of this tools are:
  • It able to picking up or manipulating small objects that are very small for human hands.
IC Inserter
The function of this tools are:
  • It insert chip into a circuit board.

IC Extractor
The function of this tools are:
  • For extracting chip from the motherboard.
Reverse Action Tweezers
The function of this tools are:
  • For holding a very small items to glue into small places.

8" Wire Cutter
The function of this tools are:
  • For cutting wire and to strip the wire from its' insulator.

The function of this 9 tools are:
  • To loosen and tighten the screw.

Scolding Iron
The function of this tools are:
  • To melt solder reel.

Solder Tube
The function of this tools are:
  • It able to molten so that current can flow through.

Screw Tube
The function of this tools are:
  • To place the screw and spare parts of screws.

Ahad, 22 April 2012

My Group

1 Brunei Team

This is my group Picture.we have four person in this team. The reason we create this blogs is:

  • To demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts/ advanced
  • To understand advance operation of routine preventive maintenance
  • Able to present/ express report in the form of video, blog, and etc.